If you have decaying tooth, your dentist might recommend an endodontic root canal treatment. This treatment aims to eliminate the discomfort and resolve the issues. Getting a root canal treatment can save you from the painful tooth extraction experience. We have a Root Canal specialist who offers high-quality root canal treatments. We pride ourselves on offering advanced quality root canal treatment. In this procedure, the dentist gives you the root filling to restore the appearance and functionality of teeth.
The Endodontist does the Root Canal Treatment, and involves drilling inside your tooth to eliminate decay & infections from the roots. The treatment is suggested when there is a tooth root infection which causes irreparable damage to the tooth and its surroundings. After treating the root, both the teeth and root are filled so that the remaining tooth stays unaffected. After going through the root canal treatment, the teeth should usually be more fragile & sensitive. To cope with this, your dentist may advise you to fit a dental crown to prevent further damage.
Meet with our Endodontist and experience the following procedure involves-
Root canal treatment is done on the infected and damaged tooth. The infection could be due to a cracked & broken tooth, gum disease, deep decay or may be due to repeated dental treatment on the particular tooth. It becomes necessary to get the root canal treatment since it helps:
Step.1: In the first step, the doctor will take an X-ray to select the right area that requires treatment. Our endodontists give local anaesthesia to the patient.
Step.2: In this step, the dentists use a drill to make the hole in the top of the tooth and gain access to the pulp chamber. It clears all the damaged and dead pulp. Our dentists use bright lighting & advanced microscopes to search the traces of infection.
Step.3: In this step, the dentist cleans the area by using the mixture and antibacterial solution. The solution will be applied by using the syringe. After repeating the process for certain times, they ensure that the area is completely cleaned.
Step.4: In this step, the dentist enlarges and reshapes the canal individually to make it in shape.
Step.5: In this step, the dentist uses thermoplastic material to permanently fill the tooth root or tooth cavity. Our dentist inserts the cones inside the canal and uses heat to compress them, which leads to uniform filling.
The cost of Root canal treatment is based on which tooth needs to be treated and what’s the complexity rate. It also depends upon whether you require a crown or not. If you leave the condition untreated, then it can lead to severe issues. The infection can spread to the surrounding teeth and gum area, which needs more cost to complete recovery.
When you reach our dental office, our dentists check your profile and perform an X-ray. We are the reputed and most well-known dental clinic that aims to offer safe and affordable solutions. When it comes to root canal treatment, it requires experts for recovery who have years of specialisation in this field. We provide this service starting from the reasonable cost of INR 3,000.
We also offer advanced RCT treatment which fits with your needs. The re root canal treatment costs between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000. We provide the best affordable plans to take care of your dental health. If you need this treatment, book your appointment now.
Q.1: Is it required to avoid certain things prior to root canal treatment?
Q.2: Does the treatment offer successful results?
We aspire to attain success rates ranging from 80% to 95%. The complexities of each particular case determine the success.
Q.3: What alternatives are there to root canal therapy?
Root canal therapy is utilised to preserve teeth and maintain an attractive, natural smile. Because the infection will not cure on its own, the tooth must be removed entirely.
Your oral surgeon will always attempt to keep your natural tooth wherever possible. Still, if it is significantly damaged or you have serious gum disease that stops your tooth from recovering following treatment, they may recommend that you have the tooth extracted.
Q.4: How long does it take to complete root canal treatment?
Root canals vary in length, which is reflected in the time required for the treatment. In many circumstances, we finished our cases in one and a half hours. However, if additional time is required for more complicated instances, patients will be scheduled for a second appointment to finish the therapy.
Q.5: Is the treatment painful?
No. A local anaesthetic is frequently administered during the procedure, which should feel similar to having a filling done.
Let your dentist know if you are particularly concerned about undergoing root canal treatment so that they can reassure you. Modern technology and local anaesthesia make the procedure pleasant and quick. So, if your Endodontist advises one, there is no reason to be afraid or put off receiving one.
Q.6: Are you looking to book an appointment for (RCT) “root canal treatment near me”?
If you face any dental symptoms, you should book an appointment with us now. We offer our services in Chandigarh, and if you are near it, visit us now.